Friday, April 26, 2019


PETROLEUM POLLUTION IN global WATERS -(THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND TREATIES) - Literature review ExampleTo achieve this end, reviewer will concisely and critic on the wholey talk over the literatures structure, contents and evaluate if international laws be appreciated in resolving oil pollution cases in high seas. Content Preventing Oil Spill thru Standards Authors of this literature are Nicholas P. Chereminisinoff and Paul Rosenfeld. They are chemical engineer and environmental chemist respectively with expertise on environmental pollution saloon and ecological restoration programs. Chereminisinoff and Rosenfeld aimed to share high impact contribution on pollution control processes by probing into petroleum industry to document best management practices and models, cleaner production of technologies and pollution saloon practices. This is clearly depicted in the title of the journal Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Industry best(p) Practices in Petroleum Industry. Stru cturally, the literatures have no Abstract section but concise topic and themes where explicated in the Preface Section. Authors detailed prevention of oil spill in six chapters, all of which had separate introduction, embody and conclusion. Each chapter has proper author referencing to corroborate studies and they prescribed other references for further reading too. The document is decent of originality for journals, logically concluded with illustration and can be summarized without sacrifice to content. Authors indicated in introduction their serious allude on petroleum pollution in both land, air and high seas citing impact to industries, corporation and vas owners that are supposedly boxed by policies on standard forest control (applied to oil bloodline industry), corporation laws, maritime laws, insurance and environmental policies. Petroleum pollutions devastating impact to ecosystem were all pointed in the introduction citing issues on protection, compliance to regulat ions, toxic management, procedure audit, and the like. Thus, authors at the outset asserted that corporations set-aside(p) in the pedigree and distribution of petroleum across continents should have transparent Environmental Aspects in harmony to internationally ISO standards for standard quality control to prevent disasters and environmental destructions. They urged corporate entities to strictly adhere to regulations by exercising strategic corporate planning, standard operational system, environmental protection standards, risk management, regular performance appraisal and thorough environmental impact assessments. As hypothetical assertion, they argued that corporation should not just pass revenue but must include pollution prevention for cost efficiency, especially that oil extraction and distribution is a capital intensive venture. Authors manifested that they disfavored extractive industrys productivity at the expense of environment and public safety. On methodology, aut hors did not expressly stated how data collection was done but their enchiridion clearly depicted the use of mixed qualitative and quantitative research studies that absorbed empirical facts which cover (a) comprehensive narration about petroleum industry, quality standards required in its facilities and operations and about quality

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